Celebrating My Whole Self Day at RX

Celebrating My Whole Self Day at RX 

At RX, we’re all about embracing individuality! To celebrate My Whole Self Day, colleagues share how RX empowers them to be their authentic selves  ̶  because when we bring our whole selves to work, we’re at our best for our teams, our customers and our business. 

RX has given me many opportunities to be an internal role model for the LGBTQIA+ community from involvement in Pride panel discussions to have the RE Cares time to support my work with the charity Diversity Role Models whose mission is to end LGBTQIA+ bullying in schools. However, the most incredible example is that RX nominated me for a British Diversity Award as Hero of the Year which I was proud and humbled to win! RX champions people who represent all kinds of diversity and these people are visible at all levels of the business. That visibility is so important to show that success is possible whatever part of humanity you belong to  ̶  you can't be what you can't see. 

Emma Riley, Programme, Governance and Operations Manager, UK 

One key reason I applied to RX back in 2022 was because of the inclusion and diversity culture the company promotes. It was the first time in my career that I didn't feel embarrassed about my disability. I feel this company is extremely welcoming to everyone. 

Dana Stange, Conference Manager, USA 

I have always felt welcome at RX and to return here and feel just as supported has been amazing. Many people had known me under a different name, pronouns and expression and all these people have treated me no differently. It's a beautiful family and that's community, excepting people for who they are. 

Charlie Oxford, Strategic Account Manager, Australia 

In my brief time [at RX] I have experienced a tremendous sense of unity and inclusion. A fantastic example is how my team, supervisors, and extended RX family have been eager and excited to meet my partner, learn about my children and genuinely show interest in my life outside of work. What a gift to feel included and cared for, even with a non-typical family dynamic." 

Allison Honkofsky, Sales Director, USA 

I became a Mental Health First Aider at RX because I want to help bring an end to the stigma people feel about mental health challenges. I have seen friends and family suffer with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and suicide bereavement, and be impacted by those close to them experiencing self-harm, and anorexia. Most people adapt and recover, but it’s clear that being able to share challenges openly, feel supported and know that others empathise makes a massive difference.  

Cara Annett, Security Awareness and Culture Director, Global 

On my first day of work after returning to RX, I was immediately asked if I would like to be part of the Global Pride committee. This showed me that it is not only accepted to be openly gay, but that there is serious interest in working together on important projects for the LGBTQ+ community in the work environment. Even in my previous nine years working at RX, I have never experienced anything negative at work living the way I live. 

Marina Kelly, Sales Manager, Germany 

Pride to me, means a lack of shame, lack of apology for who you are. It is about being your authentic self. Being part of the RX family where diversity is not only accepted but celebrated, I know that my voice is heard. In those moments, I am the proudest of my identity. 

Adam Cartledge, Global Head of Sales Talent 

Hearing from other LGBTQIA+ colleagues who had similar experiences as mine literally saved my life. And now, I treasure being a sounding board and support system for others around me at work, from sharing parenting advice to helping parents navigate conversations with their LGBTQIA+ children. It’s a great honour to do the work that I do. 

Ray Rhodes, Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Global